Waste Management
In the absence of an existing WMP, the iEMS team can provide a generic one or discuss your specific requirements.
Example of text that may be presented in your iEMS
A Waste Management Plan will be prepared by Company in consultation with their Waste Management Contractor to effectively manage waste generated in the [Name] Concession.
It is Company’s aim to ensure and demonstrate ‘cradle-to-grave’ management of all wastes associated with all our activities.
In addition to developing a robust cradle-to-grave waste management system, Company has a significant role to play with changing the opinions of suppliers and the local community’s approach to waste management, particularly recycling. Company can influence the thinking and behaviour of our contractors, by providing them with the correct facilities for the segregation of waste and by working with them to find solutions for the reuse and recycling of particular waste streams.
The Waste Management Plans will provide information about the various waste streams generated in the Field as well as in our offices. It will detail the storage and disposal requirements of the waste, and will identify opportunities for recycling, as well as options for the effective management of hazardous waste.
Solid wastes
Environmental Risks:
- Management of non-hazardous wastes including: wood, paper, cardboard, plastics, toner cartridges, office equipment and electronic devices, scrap metal, kitchen refuse etc.
- Management of hazardous waste including: Expired and used chemicals, batteries, waste oil, grease and any other oily wastes, tyres, packaging and containers, damaged/exhausted and contaminated equipment, and naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM)
- Disposal of drilling mud that has elevated hydrocarbon and/or metal/inorganic content
- Disposal of hazardous solid waste (sludge) from the sewage treatment system
- Reuse and recycling of waste materials where possible
- Onsite management of drilling mud
- Onsite management of sewage sludge
Liquid wastes
Environmental Risks:
- The management and disposal of produced water
- The management and disposal of drilling muds
- The management and disposal of sewage
- The management and disposal of grey water
- The management and disposal of oils and oily mixtures
- The management and disposal of liquid chemicals
- The ideal would be to construct an on site biological sewage treatment process using reed bed system to treat and dispose both grey and black water
- In the absence of a reedbed treatment system, grey and black sewage water can be passed through a septic tank to remove solid matter for removal by vacuum tanker and greywater will enter a soakaway for disposal to the ground
- Initiatives should include investigations into the potential reuse of grey water to flush toilets, suppress dust rising from roads, or to irrigate either landscaping around the camps or for irrigating vegetation regeneration projects in proximity to processing facilities. Grey water should receive at least primary and secondary treatment prior to its use for any of the above
- Training of staff in the effective management of liquid and hazardous wastes
- Spill kits and training in their use available to staff
Chain of Custody
A Chain of Custody system and policy should be implemented by Company to manage and track products (either materials or wastes) from their site of production to their final site of disposal or management of recycling or reuse.
Chain of Custody consignment notes provide a tracking record of who or which organization has at any time been in charge of managing a waste or material. The chain of custody therefore tracks the location and ownership of a material or waste to ensure that its final disposal, reuse of recycling is both appropriate and legal.
To ensure that there can be no discrepancy, the chain of custody system should be used for both hazardous and non-hazardous wastes.
Should you require, the iEMS team can provide your company with a Consignment Note tailored to your requirements, both in electronic and hard copies.
© 2012 iEMS. | Working in conjunction with Invicta - Planning services to the Oil and Gas Industry.