Example of text that may be presented in your iEMS
The application of the 'E' part of Company’s HSSE responsibilities and programme is its Environmental Management System.
The EMS provides a multi-faceted means of ensuring that environmental and social planning is built into every component of Company's projects and does not leave anything to chance.
An EMS is defined as, "The general part of management that includes the organizational structure, activity planning, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and the resources to develop, implement, carry out, and revise the environmental policy and keep it up to date."
The first goal for the EMS should be to ensure that environmental impacts that may result from a Company-related activity are considered at the planning stage, and mitigated as and where necessary. Follow on steps may evaluate through monitoring whether a mitigation measure is effective, and whether the design or type of engineering process should be reviewed and revised to ensure that impacts are avoided.
Company’s EMS will be an integral part of our operations both in the field and in our offices. Every staff member and contractor will have a role within it; and every staff member and contractor will own and influence some part of the EMS.
As our activities develop, Company will establish targets to improve our environmental performance. The targets will not be avoidance targets such as, 'Zero Spills,' 'No Disturbance to Wildlife' or 'Zero days exceeding the permitted atmospheric emissions from flaring,' as those types of targets should be part of the standard mitigation plan to ensure compliance with various National and International Legislation as a part of standard good management practice. The EMS targets may include:
A programme to reduce or offset CO2 emissions by 5% by 2015 through:
- The use of energy efficient technologies;
- Implementing a Logistics Programme that ensures efficient use of transport to and from our concessions;
- Reducing emissions associated with air and road travel;
- Participating in the creation of CO2 'sinks'
It may also mean working with our contractors to increase their efficiency, such as with waste management where Company requires certain materials to be supplied in re-usable or recyclable packaging, which the vendor takes responsibility for collecting and returning to the supplier.
Please contribute to our EMS and discuss your ideas with your colleagues and the HSSE team.
© 2012 iEMS. | Working in conjunction with Invicta - Planning services to the Oil and Gas Industry.