Seismic Data Acquisition
Example of text that may be presented in your iEMS
Prior to exploration and production drilling 2D and 3D-seismic data acquisition surveys have been carried out across the [Name] concession area.
Prior to the commencement of the surveys environmental impact assessments were conducted of the areas to identify sensitive environmental and social receptors.
The following summarises some of the environmental sensitivities that should be taken into consideration when carrying out seismic surveys in the concession area.
Environmental Risks
Direct Impacts to Sensitive Environmental Receptors – Seismic Process
- Topography – Alteration to landform and scarring of the landscape
- Soil - Loss of skeletal soils through bulldozing and subsequent wind erosion
- Desert Ecology – Loss of flora and disturbance to fauna
- Archaeology – Loss or damage to archaeology
- Hydrology – Alteration and blockage of water courses
- Hydrogeology – Contamination of groundwater resources
- Society and Landuse – Disruption of livestock rearing
- Atmospheric Emissions – Emissions from vehicles
- Noise – Disturbance to ecology
- Vibration - Damage to foundations, archaeology, buried utilities and other infrastructure, as well as to other buried structures.
Direct Impacts resulting from Camp and Logistical Operations
- Hydrogeology - Potential for wastewater or fuel/oil to contaminate groundwater resources
- Atmospheric Emissions - Emissions from generators and vehicles
- Noise Emissions - Primarily from generators
Consideration when planning Mitigation Measures:
- Topography - Description of sensitivities taken from the Overview
- Soil - Description of sensitivities taken from the Overview
- Archaeology - Description of sensitivities taken from the Overview
- Hydrology - Description of sensitivities taken from the Overview
- Hydrogeology - Description of sensitivities taken from the Overview
- Agriculture - Description of sensitivities taken from the Overview
- Socio-Economics - Description of sensitivities taken from the Overview
- Landscape - Description of sensitivities taken from the Overview
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