Oman Legislation




RD 114/2001

Law on Conservation of the Environment & Prevention of Pollution

RD 114/2001

Law on Conservation of the Environment & Prevention of Pollution

MD 187/2001

Organizing the Issuance of Environmental Approvals and the Final Environmental Permit

MD 68/2004

Amends MD 187/2001

MD 209/1995

Former legislation pertaining to environmental permits amending MD 300/1993

Water Resources




RD 29/2000

Promulgating The Water Wealth Conservation Law

RD 115/2001

Law on Protection of Sources of Potable Water from Pollution

MD 13/1995

Regulations Organizing Wells and Falaj

MD 342/1997

Regulations Organizing the Use of Desalination Units on Wells

MD 191/2001

Specifies the water well-field protection zones in Al Dakhiliyah Region.


Well Field Protection Zone Adam



Well Field Protection Zone Bahla


MD 192/2001

Specifies the water well-field protection zones in Adh Dhahirah Region.


Well Field Protection Zone Al Buraymi



Well Field Protection Zone Al Masserat


MD 193/2001

Specifies the water well-field protection zones in Al Batinah Region.


Well Field Protection Zone Wadi Jizzi


MD 194/2001

Specifies the water well-field protection zones in Ash - Sharqiyah region

MD 195/2001

Delineation of Water Well-Field Protection Zones in Al Wusta

Waste Management and Disposal




MD 77/1998

Regulations Pertaining to Public Health

MD 17/1993

Regulations for the Management of Solid Non-Hazardous Waste

MD 18/1993

Regulations for the Management of Hazardous Waste

MD 56/2002

Amends MD 18/1993

MD 421 /1998

Regulations for Septic Tanks, Soak away Pits and Holding Tanks

MD 145/1993

Regulations for Wastewater Re-use and Discharge

RD 119/1994

Ratifying The Sultanate’s joining of The Basel Convention of the Control of Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal 1989.

RD 88/2002

Ratifying the Basel Global Convention on the Control of Trans boundary Movements and Disposal of Waste

Air and Noise Emission Regulations




MD 79/1994

Regulations for Noise Pollution Control in the Public Environment


MD 80/1994

Regulations for Noise Pollution Control in the Working Environment

MD 118/2004

Control Regulations on Air Pollutants Emitted by Stationary Sources

MD 243/2005

Monitoring and Management of Ozone Depleting Substances

RD 119/1994

Ratifying The Sultanate’s joining of The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992 (NB. same RD for joining Basel Convention)

RD 73/1998

Approving the Vienna Agreement on Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Depleting Substances of the Ozone Layer

MD 37/2001

Regulations for the Control and Management of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)


RD 106/2004

Ratification of the Amendments to the Montreal 1997 and Beijing 1999 Protocols on Substances Depleting the Ozone Layer

RD 107/2004

Approval of Kyoto Protocol attached to the United Nations Framework Agreement on Climate Change

April 2011

Draft Law relating to the Emission of Greenhouse Gases, Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs

Chemicals and Radioactive Materials




RD 46/1995

The Law of Handling and Use of Chemicals

MD 248/1997

Regulation for the Registration of Chemical Substances and the Relevant Permits

MD 317/2001

Regulations for the Packing, Packaging, and Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals

MD 20/1999

Imposing Fees on Permits for Dealing in Dangerous Chemicals

RD 117/2004

Ratifying the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)

RD 81/1999

Association with the Rotterdam Convention on Harmful Chemicals and Pesticides

MD 249/1997

Regulations for the Control and Management of Radioactive Materials

MD 281/2003

Amendment to MD 249/1997

MD 21/1999

Imposing Fees on the Grant of Permits for Import. Transportation and Use of Radioactive material

National Heritage, Nature Reserves, Plants and Wildlife Preservation




RD 6/1980

Protection of National Heritage Law

RD 6/2003

The Law On Nature Reserves And Wildlife Conservation.

MD 110/2007

Executive Regulations of the Law of Natural Reserves and Preservation of Wildlife stated in RD 6/2003


RD 11/2007

Amendment to the Boundary of the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, RD 4/94

RD 6/2006

Setting-up the Natural Reserve of Omani Plants

MD 101/2002

Banning the killing or hunting of wild animals and birds

MD 128/1993

Banning the cutting of green trees or collection or moving of dry trees

MD 169/2000

Amends MD 128/1993

RD 116/2001

Amends some Provisions of the Regulations on the Protection and Conservation of Agricultural Resources (RD 31/98)

RD 55/2002

Ratifies the Cortes Protocol on the bio-safety of the Agreement Relating to Biodiversity

RD 67/2002

Ratifies the Agreement of the Conservation of Natural Life and its Natural Habitats in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries

RD 88/1988

Ratifying the Association with the Sultanate to the FAO - International Agreement on Conservation of Plants 1951

RD 60/1999

Approving an Amendment to the FAO - International Agreement on Conservation of Plants 1951

Mining and Quarrying




MD 4/1987

Regulating the issue of licenses for Quarries and Mines

MD 200/2000

Regulations for Crushers, Quarries and Transport of Sand from Coasts, Beaches and Wadis






RD 82/1977

Concerning the Use and Circulation of Explosives in the Sultanate

Marine Legislation




Regulations for the Issue of Permits for Marine Observation

Regulations on Liquid Waste in the Marine Environment

Monitoring Marine Pollution

Ratifying the UN Convention on the Law of the Seas

Petroleum Laws




RD 8/2011

Oil and Gas Law

RD 2/1999

Establishing Oil and Gas Pipeline Right of Way

MD 79/2006

Standards & Requirements of Underground Tanks Used to Store Hydrocarbons & Hazardous Materials





MD 35/2003

Oman Labour Law (repeals and replaces MD34/1973 )


MD 286/2008

Regulation for Occupational Health for Establishments Governed by the Labour Law


MD 322/2011

Amending certain provision of bylaws presented in MD 286/2008


International Laws




Bonn Convention


Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Amendment Protocol 1984


Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Convention 1969


Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Protocol 1976


Convention on Biological Diversity


Equator Principles


International Convnetion for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 1954


International Oil Compensation Fund 1992


Intervention Convention 1969


Intervention Protocol 1973


Kuwait Regional Convention


Convention on Biological Diversity


Kyoto Protocol

London Dumping Convention


MARPOL Convention


Montreal Protocol 2000


Montreal Protocol UNDP Report 2007


Oman National Action Programme UNCCD 2005


Protocol Control of Marine Transboundary Movements and Disposal of Hazardous and Other Wastes 1998


Protocol for the Protection of the Marine Environment against Pollution from Land Based Sources 1990


Protocol for Marine Pollution from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf 1989


Protocol for Regional Co-op in Combating Pollution by Oil and Harmful Substances in Energency 1978





United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer


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