Oman Legislation
Title |
Arabic |
English |
RD 114/2001 |
Law on Conservation of the Environment & Prevention of Pollution |
RD 114/2001 |
Law on Conservation of the Environment & Prevention of Pollution |
MD 187/2001 |
Organizing the Issuance of Environmental Approvals and the Final Environmental Permit |
MD 68/2004 |
Amends MD 187/2001 |
MD 209/1995 |
Former legislation pertaining to environmental permits amending MD 300/1993 |
Water Resources |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
RD 29/2000 |
Promulgating The Water Wealth Conservation Law |
RD 115/2001 |
Law on Protection of Sources of Potable Water from Pollution |
MD 13/1995 |
Regulations Organizing Wells and Falaj |
MD 342/1997 |
Regulations Organizing the Use of Desalination Units on Wells |
MD 191/2001 |
Specifies the water well-field protection zones in Al Dakhiliyah Region. |
Map |
Well Field Protection Zone Adam |
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Map |
Well Field Protection Zone Bahla |
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MD 192/2001 |
Specifies the water well-field protection zones in Adh Dhahirah Region. |
Map |
Well Field Protection Zone Al Buraymi |
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Map |
Well Field Protection Zone Al Masserat |
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MD 193/2001 |
Specifies the water well-field protection zones in Al Batinah Region. |
Map |
Well Field Protection Zone Wadi Jizzi |
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MD 194/2001 |
Specifies the water well-field protection zones in Ash - Sharqiyah region |
MD 195/2001 |
Delineation of Water Well-Field Protection Zones in Al Wusta |
Waste Management and Disposal |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
MD 77/1998 |
Regulations Pertaining to Public Health |
MD 17/1993 |
Regulations for the Management of Solid Non-Hazardous Waste |
MD 18/1993 |
Regulations for the Management of Hazardous Waste |
MD 56/2002 |
Amends MD 18/1993 |
MD 421 /1998 |
Regulations for Septic Tanks, Soak away Pits and Holding Tanks |
MD 145/1993 |
Regulations for Wastewater Re-use and Discharge |
RD 119/1994 |
Ratifying The Sultanate’s joining of The Basel Convention of the Control of Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal 1989. |
RD 88/2002 |
Ratifying the Basel Global Convention on the Control of Trans boundary Movements and Disposal of Waste |
Air and Noise Emission Regulations |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
MD 79/1994 |
Regulations for Noise Pollution Control in the Public Environment |
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MD 80/1994 |
Regulations for Noise Pollution Control in the Working Environment |
MD 118/2004 |
Control Regulations on Air Pollutants Emitted by Stationary Sources |
MD 243/2005 |
Monitoring and Management of Ozone Depleting Substances |
RD 119/1994 |
Ratifying The Sultanate’s joining of The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 1992 (NB. same RD for joining Basel Convention) |
RD 73/1998 |
Approving the Vienna Agreement on Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Depleting Substances of the Ozone Layer |
MD 37/2001 |
Regulations for the Control and Management of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) |
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RD 106/2004 |
Ratification of the Amendments to the Montreal 1997 and Beijing 1999 Protocols on Substances Depleting the Ozone Layer |
RD 107/2004 |
Approval of Kyoto Protocol attached to the United Nations Framework Agreement on Climate Change |
April 2011 |
Draft Law relating to the Emission of Greenhouse Gases, Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs |
Chemicals and Radioactive Materials |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
RD 46/1995 |
The Law of Handling and Use of Chemicals |
MD 248/1997 |
Regulation for the Registration of Chemical Substances and the Relevant Permits |
MD 317/2001 |
Regulations for the Packing, Packaging, and Labelling of Hazardous Chemicals |
MD 20/1999 |
Imposing Fees on Permits for Dealing in Dangerous Chemicals |
RD 117/2004 |
Ratifying the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) |
RD 81/1999 |
Association with the Rotterdam Convention on Harmful Chemicals and Pesticides |
MD 249/1997 |
Regulations for the Control and Management of Radioactive Materials |
MD 281/2003 |
Amendment to MD 249/1997 |
MD 21/1999 |
Imposing Fees on the Grant of Permits for Import. Transportation and Use of Radioactive material |
National Heritage, Nature Reserves, Plants and Wildlife Preservation |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
RD 6/1980 |
Protection of National Heritage Law |
RD 6/2003 |
The Law On Nature Reserves And Wildlife Conservation. |
MD 110/2007 |
Executive Regulations of the Law of Natural Reserves and Preservation of Wildlife stated in RD 6/2003 |
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RD 11/2007 |
Amendment to the Boundary of the Arabian Oryx Sanctuary, RD 4/94 |
RD 6/2006 |
Setting-up the Natural Reserve of Omani Plants |
MD 101/2002 |
Banning the killing or hunting of wild animals and birds |
MD 128/1993 |
Banning the cutting of green trees or collection or moving of dry trees |
MD 169/2000 |
Amends MD 128/1993 |
RD 116/2001 |
Amends some Provisions of the Regulations on the Protection and Conservation of Agricultural Resources (RD 31/98) |
RD 55/2002 |
Ratifies the Cortes Protocol on the bio-safety of the Agreement Relating to Biodiversity |
RD 67/2002 |
Ratifies the Agreement of the Conservation of Natural Life and its Natural Habitats in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries |
RD 88/1988 |
Ratifying the Association with the Sultanate to the FAO - International Agreement on Conservation of Plants 1951 |
RD 60/1999 |
Approving an Amendment to the FAO - International Agreement on Conservation of Plants 1951 |
Mining and Quarrying |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
MD 4/1987 |
Regulating the issue of licenses for Quarries and Mines |
MD 200/2000 |
Regulations for Crushers, Quarries and Transport of Sand from Coasts, Beaches and Wadis |
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Explosives |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
RD 82/1977 |
Concerning the Use and Circulation of Explosives in the Sultanate |
Marine Legislation |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
Regulations for the Issue of Permits for Marine Observation |
Regulations on Liquid Waste in the Marine Environment |
Monitoring Marine Pollution |
Ratifying the UN Convention on the Law of the Seas |
Petroleum Laws |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
RD 8/2011 |
Oil and Gas Law |
RD 2/1999 |
Establishing Oil and Gas Pipeline Right of Way |
MD 79/2006 |
Standards & Requirements of Underground Tanks Used to Store Hydrocarbons & Hazardous Materials |
Other |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
MD 35/2003 |
Oman Labour Law (repeals and replaces MD34/1973 ) |
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MD 286/2008 |
Regulation for Occupational Health for Establishments Governed by the Labour Law |
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MD 322/2011 |
Amending certain provision of bylaws presented in MD 286/2008 |
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International Laws |
Title |
Arabic |
English |
Bonn Convention |
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Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Amendment Protocol 1984 |
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Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Convention 1969 |
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Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Protocol 1976 |
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Convention on Biological Diversity |
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Equator Principles |
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International Convnetion for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 1954 |
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International Oil Compensation Fund 1992 |
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Intervention Convention 1969 |
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Intervention Protocol 1973 |
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Kuwait Regional Convention |
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Convention on Biological Diversity |
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Kyoto Protocol |
London Dumping Convention |
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MARPOL Convention |
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Montreal Protocol 2000 |
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Montreal Protocol UNDP Report 2007 |
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Oman National Action Programme UNCCD 2005 |
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Protocol Control of Marine Transboundary Movements and Disposal of Hazardous and Other Wastes 1998 |
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Protocol for the Protection of the Marine Environment against Pollution from Land Based Sources 1990 |
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Protocol for Marine Pollution from Exploration and Exploitation of the Continental Shelf 1989 |
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Protocol for Regional Co-op in Combating Pollution by Oil and Harmful Substances in Energency 1978 |
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UNCLOS 1982 |
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer |
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